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Drowning & Aquatic Injury Law Firm
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With the promise of adventure in distant paradises, luxurious dining, and plenty of relaxation, millions of vacationers are lured onto cruise ships each and every year. In most cases, these aquatic expeditions transpire without a hitch, and travelers return home safe and sound. Tragically, there are also a number of cruise patrons for whom these marine trips turn into tragedies, whether it be due to severe injury or death. When negligence is at the root of such traumatic incidents, victims have the right to seek justice. With the help of our cruise ship accident attorneys, victims can trust that an experienced legal team is standing by their side, ready to overcome any obstacle that comes between them and the compensation they deserve. Below, you'll find resources related to cruise ship injuries, though there is no better informational resource than contacting a legal professional and getting the answer you seek right away.

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ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. This website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Use of this website does not constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship. Results may vary from case to case depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Prospective clients may not obtain similar results. Amounts stated within this website are before deductions for fees, cost of attorneys and third party providers such as medical providers.

Our law firm handles aquatic and drowning cases nationally with the assistance of local counsel. 
Our main office is located at: 330 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables, FL 33134

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