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John Doe v. XYZ International Hotel - $7.5 Million Settlement In Resort Pool Drowning

Case: John Doe v. XYZ International Hotel/Resort

Synopsis: A 12-year-old boy became trapped underwater by a large pool pump inlet at the bottom of an international resort's lagoon-style pool. The drain cover that would have prevented the drowning was not present which pointed to negligence on behalf of the hotel management.

Result: A $7.5 million drowning accident compensation agreement was reached between both parties. 

John Doe v. XYZ International Hotel/Resort - Case Details

Twelve-year-old John Doe was vacationing at a Caribbean resort with his family in the 2000s.

At one point, while swimming in the hotel's lagoon-like pool, John was suctioned "head-first" into a large intake pipe at the bottom of the pool. The powerful force of the pool pumps held the young boy underwater and led to his tragic drowning. 

A safety grid or some other type of drain cover was missing or improperly attached to the pump inlet. Such a barrier would have prevented John's death, or at least significantly reduced the possibility of any individual becoming trapped because of it. However, no such barrier was present.

As a result, the unnamed hotel operator was found to have acted negligently in their duty to ensure the safety of pool-goers. Period checks of hazards such as pump drains and other large inlets should be periodically checked to ensure they are safe; regrettably, the hotel did not perform this function, if only for a brief period of time, and it resulted in the loss of the life of one of their patrons.

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Our law firm handles aquatic and drowning cases nationally with the assistance of local counsel. 
Our main office is located at: 330 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables, FL 33134

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