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Seventeen-Year-Old Brimfield High School Senior Drowns In Hot Tub

Jacob Look Of Princeville, IL, Found Unresponsive In Hot Tub

A 17-year-old student of Brimfield High School in Illinois has died after being found unconscious in the hot tub of his home on December 6th, 2021, around 11 PM.

It was Look's parents who called 911 and immediately attempted CPR as soon as they encountered their teenage child in an unresponsive state. First responders also attempted resuscitation upon their arrival and while they transported Look to OSF for treatment. Ultimately, Jacob Look was pronounced dead around 4 AM on Tuesday, December 7th.

Jamie Harwood, the Peoria County Coroner, initially indicated that Look's cause of death was drowning. However, subsequent studies and the teenager's autopsy provided additional clues as to the cause of the medical emergency prior to the hot tub drowning. Specifically, it allowed officials to state that the cause of the death was not a neurologic problem but rather a cardiac problem, though a final report was yet to be issued.

Standing 6'5, Jacob Look played on Brimfield High's basketball team and dreamt of playing in the NBA. His brother, Evan look, commented that they would often talk about Jacob's aspirations of playing the sport professionally and being able to provide for his family and friends.

The Brimfield High School student body mourned the young player's life following the tragic accident, describing him as a good friend that got along with everyone.

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Hot Tub Drowning Accidents

Hot tub drowning deaths have risen dramatically in recent years. Some studies have shown that they're more likely to occur in northern states, but this increased incidence has also been linked to the fact that more hot tubs are purchased in these regions.

The consumption of alcohol in hot tubs has been found to be a leading factor in many hot tub drowning accidents, however, experts indicate that any factors that lower blood pressure while in a hot tub can cause fainting and eventually drowning. This is due to the fact that the hot water of the tub causes dilation of blood vessels. If this is coupled with the consumption of other substances that are vasodilators, then an individual may become unconscious and slip under the water. If no one else is there to rescue them, drowning is the most likely outcome.

In other instances, defects with the hot tub itself have been found to be the culprit in such deaths. Spa pools can have faulty drains, protruding objects, or other defects that can lead to serious injury. Similarly, coupling serious injury with a body of water will likely lead to drowning unless individuals are supervised. If the hot tub manufacturer is to blame for the death, the company may have to recall its products. Moreover, they will likely face litigation from victims and their families.

Lastly, it's important to remember that a hot tub isn't necessarily dangerous, but improper maintenance can make it hazardous. Likewise, the lack of supervision of both children and adults in or near hot tubs can result in deadly accidents.

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